Owning and running your own successful restaurant requires a skilled balancing act. It is about ensuring that you are creating and serving the best food, at good prices whilst still turning a profit for your business. In the kitchen alone, there is a substantial amount of organisation needed to ensure that you have enough ingredients for the demand that you have, whilst not over-ordering and wasting neither food nor money.

One of the best ways that you can help to ensure that your ingredients last for longer, reducing the loss of the quality of the food, is by using a vacuum packing machine. In fact, there are a number of benefits for a successful restaurant to having a vacuum packer and more and more restaurants across the country as seeing these benefits. Here are some of them:

Hygiene Benefits

One of the most – if not the most – important aspects of running a kitchen is to ensure that everything is kept hygienic and as clean as possible. Vacuum packing can help with this, as raw foods can be protected from the air, preventing harmful bacteria getting to it and others from developing. When you vacuum pack, your food gets put into an airtight, sealed bag, protected from the environment.

It is important to remember, however, that vacuum packing alone won’t guarantee excellent hygiene. The whole kitchen operation needs to be run with hygiene at the front of your mind, but a vacuum packer will certainly make it easier, along with simple acts like ensuring that hands are washed, chopping boards are used correctly and meticulous cleaning is carried out every day. To see a full range of vacuum packer options, click here.

Food benefits

There are a number of good reasons to have a vacuum packing machine in your kitchen, for the benefit of your food. These include:

  • When food is vacuum packed, the science shows that it stays fresher, for longer. Its nutritional value degenerates at a much slower pace, giving you the ability to store food and use it at a later date with much more facility than before.
  • Although oxidation doesn’t necessarily make food bad, it can look unsightly. Vacuum packing takes the oxygen out of the food’s environment and reduces the chance of oxidation occurring.
  • Food can be portioned out and stored in smaller amounts. This means that you can make foods bought in large quantities, last for longer.
  • Leftover food can be stored easily, reducing the need for wastage and making the food that you have last for longer.
  • Vacuum packing is a great way to ensure that you can store fresh ingredients for more time
  • Vacuum pack bags take up less space than sealable containers when they are being stored, which can be bulky in your fridge or freezer
  • Vacuum packing helps to avoid freezer burn – a condition when food is damaged by dehydration and oxidation

Financial Benefits

Although the quality of your food shouldn’t be compromised, it is important to also try to be as economical as possible when it comes to running your restaurant. Food waste especially can be a massive barrier to making a profit, so it is recommended that you do what you can to reduce it.

There are also some other financial benefits to using a vacuum packer in your restaurant kitchen, such as:

  • By being able to store food for longer, you can order it in larger quantities and save it for use as and when you need it
  • You can reduce the waste of leftover food
  • Vacuum packing allows you to portion out foods, allowing you to take out only as much as you will need
  • Food can be prepared in larger quantities and then stored which could be financially beneficial as well as save you time in a busy kitchen

How does Vacuum Packing Work?

A vacuum packing machine is used to seal food into a single seal vacuum bag, protecting it from the air and oxidisation, and allowing you to cook the food at a later date. The vacuum chamber machine is the most common kind of vacuum packing machine and they are used all across the catering industry.

They are versatile and one of the most important aspects of a chamber vacuum packer is that although it takes out air, it won’t take out any of the moisture which is in the food. For more information about out vacuum packers click here.

There are many ways that a vacuum packing machine can help your restaurant to be more efficient both in terms of food wastage and financially. With so many benefits for your restaurant, can you afford not to have one?