Food waste is a growing concern for scientists, environments and governments across the globe due to the massive impact it has on the planet.

According to the UN Food Index Report 2021; “The fact that substantial amounts of food are produced but not eaten by humans has substantial negative impacts: environmentally, socially and economically. Estimates suggest that 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with food that is not consumed.”


With food waste reaching 931 million tonnes in 2019 (equivalent to 23 million fully-loaded 40-tonne trucks that could circle the earth seven times), it’s clear that we need to address this problem before it’s too late.

By adopting innovative storage solutions such as using vacuum sealers and reducing waste in domestic and commercial environments, we could reduce our carbon footprint, cut costs and ease the impact we’re having on the planet.


The global problem of food waste

By now, many of us are aware that UK supermarkets contribute significantly to the problem of food waste. According to The Independent, they throw away approximately 190 million meals a year that could be used to feed the hungry. This includes foods that are close to their expiry date, blemished or damaged items, damaged food packaging and poor inventory management.

But it’s not just the supermarkets who are to blame. According to WRAP, us Brits throw away a massive 26,082 tonnes of food every day including leftovers, rotten vegetables and items past their use-by date. Over the course of a year, this amounts to 21 million tonnes of carbon emissions- more than the total produced by Kenya from all sources!

Poor countries also contribute significantly to the global food waste problem. Poor infrastructure, difficult weather conditions and packaging issues often mean that food is unfit for consumption by the time it arrives at the market.

The benefits of reducing food waste

Addressing the issue of food waste and reducing our carbon footprint would seem to be a relatively simple issue to solve.

However, it’s something that activists struggle to solve, despite the fact we’ve been aware of this for many years. Factors such as poor packaging, poor transport infrastructure, impulse buying and busy schedules all affect whether we can make a difference.

But if we can, we won’t just prevent our food rotting away in landfill. We could also:

●      Reduce global hunger

●      Cut the amount we spend on food

●      Reduce our consumption of fossil fuels

●      Reduce resources needed to grow and transport these goods

●      Reduce methane emission (from landfill)

●      Reduce pollution and emissions 

The eco-importance of food packaging

“Packaging plays a critical role in protecting products and resources, and often helps reduce and prevent waste – especially when it comes to food,” says the WWF. 

For example, unwrapped cucumbers will soon rot if left unpackaged, but last for weeks when wrapped in plastic. Likewise, meat products will be unfit for consumption after a few days but when vacuum packed, can enjoy a shelf life of up to three weeks.

However, food packaging waste (especially from plastics) has been a hot topic for environmentalists over the past few years. We know that excess packaging and the general waste that we generate also has a massive impact on the environment.

Therefore, if we want to stick to our eco-friendly principles and minimise the impact we have on the environment, we need to find the most effective food packaging solution. It should…

●      Protect the item inside for better transportation

●      Reduce food spoilage and extend the shelf life

●      Appear attractive to appeal to the target customer

●      Produce minimal carbon emissions during production

●      Be reusable or recyclable

Vacuum sealers are eco friendly

For many businesses, using plastic packaging may not appear to be the most eco-friendly choice. However, vacuum sealers are different. They help tackle our global food waste problem whilst also ‘ticking all the eco boxes’.


Many are concerned about the carbon emitted when plastic is produced. But did you know that one tonne of plastic packaging causes 1-2 tonnes of CO2 emissions whereas food waste produces an astonishing 3.5 tonnes?


Additionally, most vacuum sealing bags can be recycled, provided that they are clean and dry by dropping off at a local collection point (usually at a local supermarket).


Making eco-friendly choices for your business and customers is never easy. But by choosing a vacuum sealer, you can better protect your food item, ensure it appeals to your target customer and helps generate profit. With lower carbon emissions, recyclable and helping to reduce food waste, vacuum sealers make a savvy eco-friendly choice.